I originate from London and have been living near Lyon for almost 13 years. I started my spiritual journey in 2016 thanks to my sister who was advanced in understanding energy and taught me the esoteric world.
Initially, I studied in biochemistry and am scientific by nature however I found this area to be fascinating and strange at the same time and found myself naturally deviating away from science based jobs and began to explore understanding more about energy in both a scientific and unexplained nature.
I enjoyed my first reiki session in 2017 where I experienced for the first time a shift in energy. I felt more energetic, calm, peaceful, and experienced a release of emotions that I was unaware were hiding within my own being.
I began to learn and understand that everything within this world and universe resonates at different vibrations which when balanced can improve oneself’s mind body and soul.
This led me to want to understand more about this type of healing modality leading me to complete level 1 and 2 in Reiki in the UK followed with Reiki Master training in 2019 enabling me to share this ability to help people improve and raise their energy field.